Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Power Rangers Samurai First Promo - My toughts

Here is the first promo for Power Ranger Samurai which can be seen on Nick show page

My toughs:
Theirs a good amount of original footage mixed with Shinkenger footage, which I was hooping for.
I would have like a small taste of the theme music, but we got the original MMPR music which dirent completely fit in my opinion.
By the looks of it Mike (Green) is gonna a comedy character, but we can't really tell from 1 line of dialogue in a 1 minute trailer.
The characters seem mostly like their Shinkenger  counterparts, except for Kevin (Blue), which a swimmer instead of an actor.
"Rangers Together, Samurai Forever" could be the morphing phrase, but only time will tell.
There's a scene where the Red ranger leaves a a little boy or girl behind, I think this a flashback scene.
The most notable thing is that this is the first Power Rangers to be in Windscreen, which is a plus cause the first Sentai to be in WS was Boukenger and that got adapted to Operation Overdrive, and you can definitely tell when they cut 16:9 footage to a 4:3 show.

Overall it was good trailer and hope to see more later on.
Personally I can't wait to hear the music and see the morphing scene. :)

Also don't forget to watch the Rangers tomorrow on the Thanksgiving day Parade.

Monday, November 22, 2010

SpikeTV Video Game Awards 2010

It's almost Thanksgiving, which means it's almost December, which means it's almost time for the Spike's anual Video Game Award show, or how I like to call it the "Anualy screaming at the TV night." Why you may ask, because it's a popularuty contest and nothing more. Most of the games that win, don't deserve it. For example, back in 2008 GTA4(Grand Theaf Auto 4) won GOTY(Game of the Year) over Metal Gear Solid 4. Now hold on and not being a MGS fanboy and saying GTA4 is a bad game, because is not, it's an amazing game and one of the best in the series. Infact, I still play it from time to time and I still enjoy it, am just saying that MGS4 should have won IMO(In my opinion), if you have a different opinion, that's ok , beacuse we all do. Now on to the main topic of this post, this year's nomanies and my opinion on who should win and why.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Coke vs Pepsi

I know, I know. Weird and Random topic for my first blog post, but that's me, random.
Anyway lets get this going. Everybody knows these two sodas,they sale them everywhere,
so at least I don't need to explain myself. So am just gonna say which one is better right now.