Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Power Rangers Samurai First Promo - My toughts

Here is the first promo for Power Ranger Samurai which can be seen on Nick show page

My toughs:
Theirs a good amount of original footage mixed with Shinkenger footage, which I was hooping for.
I would have like a small taste of the theme music, but we got the original MMPR music which dirent completely fit in my opinion.
By the looks of it Mike (Green) is gonna a comedy character, but we can't really tell from 1 line of dialogue in a 1 minute trailer.
The characters seem mostly like their Shinkenger  counterparts, except for Kevin (Blue), which a swimmer instead of an actor.
"Rangers Together, Samurai Forever" could be the morphing phrase, but only time will tell.
There's a scene where the Red ranger leaves a a little boy or girl behind, I think this a flashback scene.
The most notable thing is that this is the first Power Rangers to be in Windscreen, which is a plus cause the first Sentai to be in WS was Boukenger and that got adapted to Operation Overdrive, and you can definitely tell when they cut 16:9 footage to a 4:3 show.

Overall it was good trailer and hope to see more later on.
Personally I can't wait to hear the music and see the morphing scene. :)

Also don't forget to watch the Rangers tomorrow on the Thanksgiving day Parade.

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